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Best Parks & Gardens in Kyiv (Kiev)

Taras Shevchenko Park

Kiev (Kyiv) is abound with with stunning nature and beautiful green spaces. Taras Shevchenko Park is crammed full of life and interesting sightseeing opportunities. It is situated opposite Taras Shevchenko University and the nearest metro is Universytet. Super great place to relax and chill far from the maddening crowds.

The park is just across the street from the university and is always filled with university students, people playing chess, parents with children, and people like you and me who appreciate escaping the crazy city for the quite nature in Kyiv's (Kiev) beautiful parks.

There are some beautiful fountains and the impressive imposing monument of the famous Ukrainian poet, writer, artist, public and political figure called Taras Shevchenko.

Always something interesting happening here. Could be salsa dancing or music playing or whatever the moment brings. A place where anyone can come to play chess or where children can ride donkey's in the summer. In the evening the park takes on a more romantic feel, lovers strolling hand in hand and stolen discreet kisses. Good restaurant called O'Panas and you will also find a Tourist information bus near one of the entrances.​

This is a small charming and delightful park, an oasis of calm in the middle of Kiev (Kyiv).

Volodymyr Hill Park

Welcome to Volodymyr Park and the iconic  monument  of Prince Volodymyr. There are some amazing views  from this Park across the river Dneiper  and the surrounding area .  Since late spring 2019 a new tourist  pedestrian cycling bridge has been built which connects  Volodymyr Park with the Peoples Friendship  arch creating a short cut  along right bank of Dnieper river.  Volodymyr Hill Park is peaceful and less crowded than other parks and is perfect for leisurely strolls and  splendid views.

Park Of Eternal Glory

Park of Eternal Glory or "Slavy Park" is Kyiv's version of the WW11 memorial to the unknown soldier. As you walk toward the memorial you will see the many names of young soldiers who died so pitifully young. There are some fantastic views here across Kyiv and towards the Peschersk Lavra so make sure you have your camera with you.

Slavy Park (Park of Eternal Glory) is situated between Arsenalna Metro and the Pechersk Lavra. From here you will also have an opportunity to see Holodomor Memorial, Pechersk Lavra and the Great Patriotic War Museum which is home to the incredible Rodina Mat (Motherland Statue) 


This is a great area to explore and you should give yourself a full day. Lots of walking, breathtaking views and hugely impressive.

Rusanivka Quay Park

Locals in this area refer to this place as Rusanivka "Kyiv Venice"


If you are staying or venture over to the Left bank of the river Dnieper you will be surprised by what you find. 

Rusanivka is an up-and-coming area away from the inner city on the right bank.There is a walking path along the bank of the river that completely circles the island. There are some lovely views across to the Motherland Monument and the Pechersk Lavra, and plenty of good cafe's and restaurants to enjoy.

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