Інформація про туризм в Україні

Is it Safe to Travel to Kiev (Kyiv) Ukraine
How Safe is Kiev (Kyiv)
So is it safe to travel to Ukraine? It would seem the only media news we hear about is that Ukraine is a war zone. Let me put your mind at ease. Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe. It is huge, Western Ukraine by is itself is nearly as large as Germany. Only Russia is larger.
Yes! There is a war in Ukraine, but it is confined to the East around the cities of Donetsk and Lugansk. If you plan to travel to Kiev (Kyiv) or Western parts of Ukraine then there is absolutely nothing to be worried about.
Occasionally you might se the odd military personnel in Kiev or reminders of the tragic events of Maidan in 2014. In Kiev (Kyiv) life goes on as normal. The cafe's are full, people stroll around the parks playing with children and you would never guess Ukraine has any problems.

Київ безпечніший за Париж, Лондон, Нью-Йорк і багато інших великих столиць світу
Більшість людей мало що знає про Україну. В новинах в основному повідомляють про війну на Сході, а Росія прикладає всі зусилля, щоб дестабілізувати Україну, висвітлюючи неправдиву інформацію.
Але факти суперечать уявленням. Київ безпечніший чим більшість Західноєвропейських столиць. Офіційна статистика по злочинності з Numbeo оцінює рівень безпеки в Парижі на позначці в 47.55 & Києві в 53.19. В той же час показник злочинності в Лондоні 52.37, а в Києві тільки 46.81.
Crime rates in Kiev (Kyiv)
General level of crime 49.86 Moderate
Worry of being mugged or robbed 42.44 Moderate
Worry of being attacked 38.80 Low
Worry of being insulted 34.91 Low
Worry of racial abuse 24.06 Low
Violent crime, assault & robbery 37.89 Low
Corruption & bribery 83.06 Very High
Last update: January 2021
Information courtesy of Numbeo
Protecting Yourself Against Crime in Kiev (Kyiv) Ukraine
Maidan - Revolution of Dignity
Take Precautions before you Leave
Most visitors to Kiev (Kyiv) Ukraine experience no problems. Serious crime against foreign tourists is relatively rare, but incidents do occur.
Take copies of your passport, visa, vaccination documents, banking information, credit and debit cards and store them in a separate place and in the cloud.
Make sure your travel insurance will cover you to the value of the items you take on your trip.
Take a photo of all your expensive items in case you need to make a claim.
Familiarise yourself with the local laws in Ukraine and be careful to adhere to them.
Make a list of emergency numbers such as your country embassy details.
Try to learn some basic words in Ukrainian. It will help you make friends with the locals and they might be able to advise you of local crime activity and what to avoid.
Take a spare inexpensive phone to use and get yourself a local SIM card in Kiev. Your brand new iphone is sure to put you at the top of a criminals list.
Protect yourself against Pickpockets
Pick-pockets are a particular problem so follow these guidelines.
Avoid crowded places if you can and keep valuables out of site.
Public transport gets crowded in Kiev and is a particular problem so be aware of your surroundings.
Keep your cash in multiple places so as to minimise the impact of theft.
Beware of leaving jackets or bags on backs of chairs in restaurants, cafe's and bars.
Always "look back" when leaving somewhere in case you forget something.
Anchor bags and back-packs. Loop straps to a chair leg and keep bags in front of you, on your lap and within sight at all times.
Standing out in a crowd might be good for some things but advertising yourself as a wealthy tourist will certainly attract the wrong sort of attention. Keep valuables out of sight and hide the gold and jewellery.
General Guidance
You are more likely to be targeted for crime in Kiev at night time. Bars and nightclubs generally have very good security, but it is easy to let your guard down after a few drinks. Don't keep your cash all in one place and avoid using credit and debit cards where possible. Ukraine has a high level of fraud so be vigilant. Try to use ATM's that are located inside a bank. Cover the keypad with one hand when entering your PIN and never let your card out of your site. It would also be wise to check your statements for any unauthorized transactions and notify your bank if anything does not look right..
There have also been cases of drinks being spiked in Kiev. When buying a drink go to the bar with at least one other person. If you're by yourself it's easy for criminals to distract you and spike your drink. Don't leave your drink unattended and never accept drinks from strangers, but if you do then go to the bar with them and watch it being made. Beware of tourist trap scams and always travel with a registered taxi company.
Stay in touch with someone back home and make regular contact so they know you are OK. Besides, it will be a great opportunity to let them know what a great time you are having in Kiev.
Maidan and the Revolution of Dignity
It is more than seven years since the Revolution of Dignity. Spontaneous demonstrations broke out in November 2013, after President Yanukovych’s government reneged on a promise for integration with the EU. Instead President Yanukovych opted for closer ties with Russia. Overnight, tens-of-thousands of people descended onto Independence square in Kiev and began a peaceful protest. What followed in February 2014 became the reason why Ukraine will never turn towards Russia ever again. Government forces under the directions of the now deposed Viktor Yanukovych began shooting the peaceful protesters. The protest against closer association with Russia is only half the story. The underlying reason was that ordinary Ukrainian people had simply had enough of the politically corrupt government that was stealing billions of dollars from the near bankrupt economy.
Learn more about Maidan and the Revolution of Dignity